closure natürlich. Leider gehts jetzt nicht in der Browserzeile so. Sagt er, sinusTable[_self.yPos] wäre nicht definiert, was scheinbar heißt, dass er das "_self", den closure, vergisst?
Falsch. window.onload() existiert in der Adresszeile nicht. Also:
javascript:sinusTable = new Array;createSinusTable = function () {for (k=-30;k<screen.height;k++) {sinusTable[k] = 2*Math.sin(k/5);}};Snowflake = function (xPosition) {this.star=document.createTextNode("*");/*put it in surrounding div, whiten it and append*/this.div=document.createElement("div");this.div.appendChild(this.star);this.div.style.color="#fff";DB.appendChild(this.div);/* size and base-position and store for each snowflake*/this.fontSize = Math.ceil(Math.random()*40);this.div.style.fontSize=this.fontSize + "px";this.div.style.position="absolute";this.yPos=-this.fontSize;this.xPos = xPosition;this.div.style.left=10 + this.xPos + "px";this.div.style.top= this.yPos+"px";/* closure - capture/close this in private var*/var _self = this;this.fall = function(j) {if (_self.yPos < myMarginBottom) {_self.yPos += myPixelsPerStep;/* new postition, down and left/right for little sinus-swing*/_self.div.style.top = _self.yPos + "px";_self.div.style.left = _self.xPos + sinusTable[_self.yPos] + "px";} else {_self.yPos=-_self.fontSize;}/* to call in setTimeout-function, will be e.g. window[snow40](40)*/setTimeout(_self.fall,myTimeout);};};createSinusTable();DB=document.body;DB.style.backgroundColor = "#000";myStartMarginLeft = 40;myDistanceBetweenFlakes = 10;/* stop before bottom of window*/myMarginBottom = screen.height - 150;/* pixels to move for each step;*/myPixelsPerStep = 1;/* speed in msec*/myTimeout = 10;/* walk from left margin to end of screen*/mySnowflakes = new Array;for (i = myStartMarginLeft; i< screen.width; i += myDistanceBetweenFlakes) {/*make a snowchristal*/mySnowflakes[i] = new Snowflake(i);functionCallNow = 'mySnowflakes['+i+'].fall()';/* start random*/setTimeout(functionCallNow,Math.random()*50000);}void(0)
zum fröhlichen Kopieren in die Adresszeile.