das sieht schwer nach einem Versionsproblem aus.
nach kurzem googlen hier:
als ersten Kommentar das:
After upgrading to PHP5 with Apache 2.2.10 on windows server 2003 I was having troubles with the error saying Fatal error: call to undefined function - mysql_connect().
I had done everything I could think of or find on the internet and was still having the same error show up.
I then ran the phpinfo() function and it showed I was reading the correct php.ini from my C:/PHP/ path and it showed a mysql version.
The problem was it loaded the mysql files in my system32 directory which were from an earlier version. I simply removed these files from my system32 directory and it had fixed the problem since I had everything else correctly setup.
kannst das ja mal versuchen
Gruß Masonb