Hugo Egon Balder: Suche gute Links zu den Basics des Webseiten-Erstellens

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Wieso ist das eigentlich so wichtig?
Bzw. Woher weisst du, dass es so wichtig ist? Stand es mal in der Computer-Bild? Oder hast du es nur von einem der SelfHTML-Schergen aufgeschnappt und dich zum Mitlaeufer gemacht?

die W3C Recommendation besagt _eindeutig_:

Developers who migrate their content to XHTML 1.0 will realize the following benefits:

* XHTML documents are XML conforming. As such, they are readily viewed, edited, and validated with standard XML tools.

*XHTML documents can be written to operate as well or better than they did before in existing HTML 4-conforming user agents as well as in new, XHTML 1.0 conforming user agents.

* XHTML documents can utilize applications (e.g. scripts and applets) that rely upon either the HTML Document Object Model or the XML Document Object Model [DOM].

* As the XHTML family evolves, documents conforming to XHTML 1.0 will be more likely to interoperate within and among various XHTML environments.

Some of the benefits of migrating to XHTML in general are:

* Document developers and user agent designers are constantly discovering new ways to express their ideas through new markup. In XML, it is relatively easy to introduce new elements or additional element attributes. The XHTML family is designed to accommodate these extensions through XHTML modules and techniques for developing new XHTML-conforming modules (described in the XHTML Modularization specification). These modules will permit the combination of existing and new feature sets when developing content and when designing new user agents.

* Alternate ways of accessing the Internet are constantly being introduced. The XHTML family is designed with general user agent interoperability in mind. Through a new user agent and document profiling mechanism, servers, proxies, and user agents will be able to perform best effort content transformation. Ultimately, it will be possible to develop XHTML-conforming content that is usable by any XHTML-conforming user agent.

Ob das für Dich eine Relevanz hat, ist mir persönlich egal. _Ich_ versuche, mich an W3C Richtlinien zu halten.

Und so nebenbei: Mit Sätzen wie

Stand es mal in der Computer-Bild?

anderen durch die Blume zu unterstellen, sie seien kleine Dummerchen, ist ganz schön präpotent.


Hugo Egon Balder