tami: Linux Distributionen und WM: Mint und XFCE vs. *

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Mint 13 (danke Martin) macht bisher den besten Eindruck (in Bezug auf meinen Kenntnisstand) auf mich. Ich schau mir derweil Videos zu den verschiedenen Oberflächen an. XFCE ist bis dato mein Favorit.

"Ubuntu is the most popular Linux distribution on personal computers and Linux Mint is the second most popular. Even though Mint is based on Ubuntu (which in turn is based on Debian), their interface and default applications have become increasingly different over time. Linux Mint prioritizes elegance and user-friendliness, and is more open to proprietary software being pre-installed. However, Ubuntu offers more advanced installation options, including an easy install for dual booting on Windows PCs."

aus http://www.diffen.com/difference/Linux_Mint_vs_Ubuntu

"Currently, I use both XFCE on my personal box and office PC, and LXDE on my test bench and personal laptop. For me, XFCE strikes a good balance between features and performance, and includes several great apps in the suite (Thunar file manager, Xfburn CD/DVD burner, Parole media player, etc.)

I used to be a KDE fan, but it's just too bloated with features I have no use for. Besides, most all of the graphical apps that I use are GTK+ based, so it only made sense to move to a GTK+ based DE. In fact, I wouldn't need QT at all, except it's a dependency of the VirtualBox GUI.

I'm all about fast and lightweight apps and interfaces, and GTK+ with XFCE and LXDE deliver. After a fresh reboot this morning (kernel update) my memory usage at idle is:
Test Bench (LXDE) - 80MB
Office PC (XFCE) - 192MB"

aus http://www.technibble.com/forums/showthread.php?t=44842#6

