Jörg: Warum kommen hier unterschiedliche Ergebnisse raus?

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// Text einlesen
$text = "[size=3][b]BBCode SCEditor[/b][/size]

Give it a try! :)

[color=#ff00]Red text! [/color][color=#3399ff]Blue?[/color]

[li]A simple list[/li]
[li]list item 2[/li]

If you are u[font=Comic Sans MS]sing IE9+[/font] or any non-IE browser just type [b]:[/b]) and it should be heriuhg3r  www.test.de oder aber auch [url=test.de]test.de[/url] converted into :) as you type.


# Zeilenumbrüche korrigieren
$text = str_replace("\r\n","\n",$text); # windows -> linux
$text = str_replace("\r","\n",$text); # mac -> linux

# array bilden
$arr_text = explode("\n",$text);
$neuerText = '';

foreach($arr_text as $zeile) {

    if (preg_match("/\[\/?(li|ul|td|tr|table|code|quote|list|ol)\]$/",$zeile)) {
        $zeile = str_replace("\n", "", $zeile);
       echo $zeile;
    } else {
        echo $zeile."<br>";

   $neuerText .= $zeile;


echo "<hr>".nl2br($neuerText);

