Online-Events: Internationalization, Unicode, Accessibility, Design

- barrierefreiheit
- unicode
- veranstaltung
Einige Online-Events in den nächsten Tagen:
2022-09-28 18:30
2022-10-03 und 2022-10-04 18:00—20:30
Testing for accessibility doesn’t have to be overwhelming. The most efficient way is to “shift left” by incorporating testing into the earliest stages of your design and development process.
This free 2-day workshop will take the form of a miniature sprint. We will walk you through the process of analyzing a wireframe from an accessibility perspective, testing a dynamic application and all of its states, and reventing accessibility regressions.
You’ll grow your accessibility problem-solving skills and gain practical experience integrating accessibility into your daily work.
2022-10-04 17:00–18:00
Christine is a fantastic designer who is an absolute Figma expert, and she loves sharing her knowledge!
2022-10-05 19:00
🖖 Живіть довго і процвітайте
@@Gunnar Bittersmann
2022-10-05 19:00
(auch im OP ergänzt)
🖖 Живіть довго і процвітайте
Hej @@Gunnar Bittersmann,
danke für den Hinweis
2022-10-05 19:00
(Online) A11y Meetup Berlin #14
- How to write text alternatives – @Marc Haunschild
- The UX of Accessibility checklist – Marion Couesnon
Ich hätte da noch etwas: Barrierefreie Webseiten | Online-Konferenz & Workshops vom Rheinwerk Verlag
Promo-Code nicht vergessen! 😉
Marc (marctrix)