Gunnar Bittersmann: Morgen! 14.09. Smashing Meets Magical UX

Morgen, 14.09. 17:00 online: Smashing Meets Magical UX mit 3 Vorträgen:

  1. The Collaborative Canvas — How to Map Design Decisions: design decision graphs (Marco-Christian Krenn)
  1. Embracing the Magic of Narrative UX: storytelling, potential harm of manipulative design elements (Chiara Aliotta)
  1. Designing Beyond The Happy Path: “edge cases” (Stéphanie Walter)

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  1. @@Gunnar Bittersmann

    Die Vorträge gib’s jetzt auf YouTube zu sehen:

    1. The Collaborative Canvas — How to Map Design Decisions: design decision graphs (Marco-Christian Krenn)
    1. Magical UX through Storytelling: storytelling, potential harm of manipulative design elements (Chiara Aliotta)
    1. Designing Beyond The Happy Path: “edge cases” (Stéphanie Walter)
    1. Magical UX Panel hosted by Vitaly Friedman

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