29.05. CSS Café: Style-Sharing with Web Components and Shadow DOM

- css
- tipp
- web components
Am 29.05. um 17:00 im CSS Café (online) mit dem Erklärbär Peter Kröner: Style-Sharing with Web Components and Shadow DOM
Shadow DOM in Web Components is both a blessing and a curse, providing radical style encapsulation that is as beneficial as it can be obstructive. What Web Components truly need are style-sharing capabilities between individual components and the surrounding website. Fortunately, this meetup addresses exactly that!
The talk will focus on various techniques for sharing CSS between components, whether using build tools or not, in pure vanilla form or with supporting software, and ranging from cutting-edge methods to older standards. The discussion will cover the pros and cons of each approach, and we'll also take a look at future web standards for style sharing.
Kwakoni Yiquan
@@Gunnar Bittersmann
Am 29.05. um 17:00 im CSS Café (online) mit dem Erklärbär Peter Kröner: Style-Sharing with Web Components and Shadow DOM
Und wer’s verpasst hat (so wie ich 🤨), kann sich das jetzt auf YouTube ansehen.
Kwakoni Yiquan