ich habe zu hause IE7 auf meinem laptop seit ca 3 tagen, der txt im netz ist jetzt 'smooth' geworden, das nervt total, ist sehr schwierig zu lesen.
danke, habs instaliert, in IE7 vielleicht ist etwas besser geworden, aber jetzt in anderen browser ist smooth :/ oder sehe ich schon schwer..
habs aber uninstalliert, alles anders in meinem laptop war sonst blur geworden =( dann schon besser nur blur in IE
. . : : zitat: : . .
Display Appears Blurry
ClearType is designed to enhance LCD displays. ClearType may appear slightly blurry on standard desktop monitors and on some LCD displays. You may be able to improve this by customizing ClearType as described in the "How to Customize ClearType" section of this article.
In rare cases, perceived blurriness is caused by a manufacturing anomaly on LCD displays in which the normal striping of red-green-blue is reversed with blue-green-red. Currently, there is no support in Windows XP ClearType to compensate for this anomaly. This could be the problem in cases in which none of the ClearType contrast settings look good on a particular LCD display. In those cases, it may be best to turn off ClearType.