Hallo ,
ich habe gerade etwas gelesen was, ich euch nicht vorenthalten wollte.
(Kanns auf die schnelle leider nicht auf Deutsch finden) Wired Webonkey: Microsoft’s New Automatic Update Plan Could Mean the End of IE 6
Microsoft has announced that starting in January 2012 Internet Explorer will, like Chrome, Firefox and Opera, no longer pester you with update notices. Instead Internet Explorer will automatically download and install updates in the background.
gruesse aus'm ruhrpott
jens mueller
As long as a single mind remembers, as long as a single heart
beats with passion, how can a dream die?
\//_ Live long and prosper
sh:( fo:) ch:| rl:° br:^ n4:| ie:% mo:| va:} de:> zu:) fl:( ss:) ls:> js:|
As long as a single mind remembers, as long as a single heart
beats with passion, how can a dream die?
\//_ Live long and prosper
sh:( fo:) ch:| rl:° br:^ n4:| ie:% mo:| va:} de:> zu:) fl:( ss:) ls:> js:|