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<h1 id="content">Shut Up and Color: Bush continues GOP tradition of bullying in politics</h1>
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<p class="meta">Posted 24/08/04 at 15:36 in <a href="#">the Politicos</a>
by J. Stadum | 0 Trackbacks | <a href="#comments">1 Comments</a></p>
<p>The best thing John Kerry did at the Democratic convention was to challenge the
bullying. He talked of the flag belonging to all of us, and how "standing up to
speak our minds is not a challenge to patriotism [but] the heart and soul of
patriotism." By doing this, he drew the line against the pattern of intimidation
that the Bush administration has used to wage war on democracy itself.</p>
Jeena Paradies
Nichts ist besser als Bass!
Nichts ist besser als Bass!